5 Misconceptions About Cosmetic Dentistry

January 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 2:29 pm

For those dealing with dental problems, cosmetic dentistry is an option to improve the overall function and appearance of your smile. Many people have probably heard horror stories about treatments so they’re too nervous to try anything. While there may be some truth to them, there are plenty of misconceptions that surround the world of cosmetic dentistry. Browse the following section to learn a few of them. 

  1. It’s Only for “Cosmetic Purposes” – While cosmetic is in the name, there are many types of cosmetic dentistry procedures that can help improve the overall function and health of your teeth. For instance, replacing a missing tooth with a dental implant or filling in a small crack with bonding will not only fix the appearance of your smile but also prevent bacteria from growing and causing tooth decay.
  2. My Teeth Won’t Look Natural – One of the biggest misconceptions about cosmetic dentistry is that the results won’t look natural. While in the past this myth may have been true, dental technology has come a long way. Nowadays, treatments that involve dental crowns, implants, and veneers can be fully customized to blend seamlessly into your smile.
  3. It’s Absurdly Expensive – In past years, dental procedures may have been too expensive for the everyday person to get. Today, new cosmetic dentistry technology has made it much more affordable. Oftentimes, dental insurance may not cover the procedure fully, but it may take care of the bulk of the cost.
  4. It’s So Painful – Many people believe that all dental procedures will cause extreme pain. While there may be some degree of discomfort, anesthetics and sedatives can be used to minimize pain throughout the procedure.
  5. It’s Too Invasive –You may think that the only way to achieve a bright-looking smile is with a major cosmetic dentistry procedure. However, there’s a range of effective treatment options that are non-invasive. For instance, teeth whitening can restore a yellowing smile back to its natural color. It may take multiple treatments, but it’s possible to achieve stunning results without going under.

Reach Out to Learn More About Our Cosmetic Dentistry Solutions

If you’re dealing with dental problems and are ready to fix them, turn to the experienced team at Robert R. Hawley, DDS, FACP. No matter your dental struggles, we’re here to help you achieve a brighter-looking and healthier smile. We understand that going to the dentist can be a bit nerve-wracking. Our cosmetic dentist can answer any of your questions or concerns. Whether you’re interested in teeth whitening, dental implants, dentures, or another type of treatment, we will thoroughly explain the process to ensure you know what it entails. Reach out to our office to book a consultation for a cosmetic dentistry treatment.

We’re proud to provide innovative cosmetic dentistry solutions to residents across Abilene, Tuscola, Buffalo Gap, Potosi, Clyde, Breckenridge, Brownwood, Sweetwater, TX and the surrounding regions.